As Featured in the Holland Sentinel HOLLAND — Holland residents began receiving their new...
Holland Rolls Out Recycling Carts
Holland, MI – The City is rolling out its new recycling carts beginning the week of April...
Carts Are Coming!
The new recycling carts are rolling out! Holland is the first in West Michigan to use EcoCarts...
16 Fun Recycling Facts for Kids
From The Recycling Partnership How can recycling help our communities and our environment? How...
Americans Strongly Believe in Recycling
New survey data from The Recycling Partnership and SWNS confirms that 85% of Americans strongly believe in recycling. This is especially timely as we all navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on communities and recycling businesses across the country.
Film Recycling – Thinking Beyond the Bag & Working Together to Find Solutions
Commonly referred to as the number one recycling contaminant, plastic bags and other film products like paper towel wrap and overwrap on cans and bottles can be a real nuisance for many recycling programs.